02 December 2006

J. Harry Johnston


Blogger Ignace said...

Uniontown Daily News Standard
27 December 1907

Mangled Body Found Lying on
P. R.R. Tracks at Fairchance

An unknown young man was struck
and run over at Fairchance Thursday
evening, Dec. 26, supposedly by pas-
senger train No. 108 leaving Union-
town at 7:52 on the P. R.R.

His body was not found until about
5:30 Friday morning when Bayard
Able, walking along the tracks near
the old Laughrey brick yard discover-
ed the mangled remains. Mr. Abel no-
tified some Fairchance people and the
body was placed on a freight train and
taken to J. Harry Johnston’s morgue,
where it is being held for identifica-

It is difficult to discern any facial
features as the head is so badly cut
and torn, but the body is apparently
that of a young American, having a
small light moustache, long hair and a
well kept person. Train No. 108, of
which Samuel S. Miller is conductor,
was the only one over that section of
the branch Thursday evening and it
is thought that the young man might
have been lying in the middle of the
track, and rolled and dragged by the
train for probably 150 yards. His
heart was found quite a distance from
the body and a hand was also found.

Saturday, 02 December, 2006  

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